Capital Gains Deferral Strategies

Those of us who own highly appreciated assets such as homes, ranches, businesses, commercial real estate, medical practices…to name a few, are often reluctant to sell that asset because of the capital gains tax costs associated with the sale. But there is a way to defer the capital gains tax and reduce your overall tax burden. The Deferred Sales Trust™ (DST) can provide a viable way out of this financial dilemma. The DST utilizes a legal and established method that allows the seller of the property to defer capital gains taxes due at the time of the sale, to be paid instead over a period of time that is selected by the Seller/Taxpayer in advance. It is a legal and time-tested investment strategy used to defer capital gains tax when you sell your business or property.


Deferring Capital Gains taxes is not new. Some commonly used tax deferral methods include 1031 Exchanges, charitable trusts and traditional seller carry-back installment sales contracts. Various types of trusts are used by millions of Americans to protect and preserve their wealth for themselves and their heirs.


BUBAN FINANCIAL SERVICES is an approved member of Estate Planning Team organization. Estate Planning Team* is the founder and creator of the Deferred Sales Trust™ and the only firm that has been fully reviewed by the IRS. Our expertise, in combination with the Estate Planning Team and highly specialized tax attorneys, will help guide you to defer the capital gains taxes on the sale of your highly appreciated asset.


*Estate Planning Team is a membership organization with a network of experienced professionals who offer the Deferred Sales Trust™, providing significant capital gains tax deferral with the DST as a flexible 1031 Exchange alternative.

Learn How to Defer Capital Gains Tax

Investment options with a Deferred Sales Trust™ include:

  • Real Estate and REITs
  • Stocks, Bonds, & Mutual Funds
  • Annuities
  • Businesses
  • CDs & Collectables

Who can benefit from the Deferred Sales Trust™?

If you are the owner of a highly appreciated asset such as a business or real estate property who wants to sell and finally enjoy retirement income, then the Deferred Sales Trust™ may be your ideal strategy. The DST can also benefit those who want to liquidate estate assets and set up a wealth succession plan for the next generations.

BFS offers a no-cost or obligation DST analysis. For additional information on the benefits of the Deferred Sales Trust™ fill-out the form below and receive the free report “Fund Your Retirement with a Deferred Sales Trust™ 

Request Your FREE Report

Fund Your Retirement with a Deferred Sales Trust™

Contact BFS for Your Deferred Sales Trust™ Analysis

800-545-8308 – or

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